Modern Pumping Products: August 2021

ENDRESS+HAUSER  Kaiser Raman Rxn Analyzer Suite Researchers and manufacturers in the chemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and food and beverage industries require highly accurate chemical composition measurements....

Modern Pumping Products: July 2021

NEPTUNE NSP and NXP Series Pumps Neptune is pleased to announce the availability of thirty-five additional models as part of the Phase II release of its...

Modern Pumping Products: June 2021

QED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AP4.5 Ultra AutoPump System The AP4.5 Ultra AutoPump System design has increased clearance between the float, casing, and discharge tube. The AP4.5 Ultra...

Modern Pumping Products: May 2021

WANNER ENGINEERING  Hydra-Cell LACT Unit Pumps Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units measure the quantity and quality of oil and gas transferred from the production field...

Modern Pumping Products: March 2021

WARREN CONTROLS  AISA Standard Control Valves Warren Controls builds valves to meet American Iron and Steel Act (AISA) requirements so that customers can adhere to “Buy...

Modern Pumping Products: February 2021

GRAPHITE METALLIZING CORPORATION Graphalloy Custom Pump Bushings Graphalloy prides itself on meeting customer time constraints and providing quick turnaround—and recently met a one-hour turnaround for a...

Modern Pumping Products: January 2021

REED MANUFACTURING  CPDWW Cordless Power Drive  Lightweight yet powerful CPDWW cordless power drive from Reed adapts to drilling and tapping machines or attaches to exercise valves....

Modern Pumping Products: October 2020

AUTOMATIONDIRECT ProSense Sensors and Transmitters  ProSense Pt100 RTD sensors and transmitters with sanitary connection probes offer a clean-in-place tri-clamp process connection ideal for applications where corrosion...

Modern Pumping Products: September 2020

SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS AOC-6000 Plus Multifunctional Autosampler Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) introduces the AOC-6000 Plus Multifunctional Autosampler to enable multiple GC/MS sample injection methods in one...


CIRCOR Schroedahl TDL Automatic Recirculation Valves Schroedahl TDL Automatic Recirculation Valves combine a high-quality main line check valve and the automatic bypass control system in an...