Oil shear technology eliminates downtime

For a wide array of industrial applications, the scourge of downtime, whether due to unexpected breakdowns or routine maintenance, can mean significant differences in...

More Sustainable Pumping Using Permanent Magnet Motor Technology: Part 2 of...

Read part 1 here. In part one of this series, we discussed some of the many factors that can improve return-on-investment (ROI) time, increase sustainability,...

Growth Needed in the Power Sector

When you hear of industries pledging to meet “net zero” guidelines with regard to emissions output, you’d be forgiven for interpreting that as a...

More Sustainable Pumping Using Permanent Magnet Motor Technology: Part 1 of...

Being good stewards of natural resources like water and energy while still maintaining or even improving productivity is an ever-growing challenge for business owners...

Exceeding NEMA Premium Efficiency Standards

When it comes to power, whether it’s the oil and gas market, petrochemicals, grain or rock product, food and beverage, or near countless other...

The World’s Largest Untapped Resource: Excess Heat: Part 3 of 3

Read Part 1 here. Recycling heat is not only an overlooked measure in the current energy crisis, but also the next frontier of the green...

The World’s Largest Untapped Resource: Excess Heat: Part 2 of 3

See Part 1 here: The world’s largest untapped resource: excess heat: Part 1 of 3 In the introduction to this series, we identified some of...

The world’s largest untapped resource: excess heat: Part 1 of 3

Among experts there is increasing consensus that spiking energy prices are likely to linger on for the next few years, at least. While the...

Energy efficient in accordance with class IE5+

In many applications, metering ingredients in the pharmaceutical or food industry for example, pumps are required that not only can be precisely controlled in...

Partnership provides reserve power to the Emerald Isle

PARTNER PROFILE Mytilineos, founded in Greece in 1990, is an industrial and energy multinational company, listed on the Athens Exchange, that employs directly or indirectly...