Large Vertical Motor Load Testing Minimizes Downtime and Expense

Bradleys, Inc. has recently expanded its world class Hi-Power Electric Motor Load Testing System to include large vertical motor load testing. Bradleys is located...

Biomethane Plant Processes Leftovers into Green Energy

By Ann Börries, Weltec Biopower Recently, biogas plant builder Weltec Biopower completed a biomethane plant for Altho, a French manufacturer of potato chips in St....

Small Oceanside Town Improves Its Lift Station Monitoring

Located eight miles from the Atlantic Ocean, the town of Berlin, Maryland, serves a population of about 5,000 people with roughly 2,000 water connections....

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally to Preserve a Natural Wonder –...

The transition from independent septic systems to a centralized low-pressure sewer (LPS) collection system has economic, environmental and altruistic advantages to communities like the...

The Right Tool for the Job

A goal of piping system design is for the system to maintain continued operation over its life cycle with minimal maintenance. Degradation or failure...

Streamlined Process for Full-Service Energy Recovery

In Pali, Rajasthan, India over two hundred factories in the surrounding Punayata Industrial Area provide the economic backbone for the community. Unfortunately, the nearby...

Giving the Bulldogs a New Bite

By Christine Nunez, PSG Dover Wilden®, part of PSG®, a Dover company and a worldwide leader in specialty pumps, recently donated a 1-1/2-inch Pro-Flo® SHIFT...

The Importance of Proof of Design

You may have heard the term, “wastewater flows downhill.” In this article, we will refer to this as gravity flow. In many cases, municipal...

Shredder Pumps Installed At Historic Ellis Island

Ellis Island, in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, is one of America's most popular historic sites. The island is one of a...

Retrofit Offers Much Easier Maintenance

Online, one can find no end of advice on mixing systems for biogas digesters, often going into great detail about impeller designs, speeds, and...