Innovative Solutions to Drinking Water Decontamination in Small and Medium Treatment...

Though drinking water tends to be relatively clean compared with water that is being considered for other uses, it sometimes can contain contaminants. Air...

Ultrasonic vs. Differential Pressure Flowmeters for High Pressure Steam Service:...

As we discussed in part 1 of this series, the measurement of steam flow during dramatic power boiler load changes is challenge that will...

Getting Their Hands Dirty

In the past, Stallkamp has repeatedly implemented projects for sewage treatment plants and the wastewater industry. In addition to various sludge tanks, this also...

Ultrasonic vs. Differential Pressure Flowmeters for High Pressure Steam Service: Part...

Renewable energy poses well-publicized opportunities in the quest to reduce fossil fuel consumption and global warming. However rarely mentioned are the new challenges associated...

Wastewater Facility Upgrades Prove Their Worth

Clarifier pre-construction at Addison; worn gearbox, cracked walls and a worn arm that would often stick. Working alone in New York State, approximately 90 to...

How to Control Activated Sludge with Online Sensors: Part 3 of...

Figure 3: On-Off Control Dissolved Oxygen Response (source: Meck, D., R. Odum, N. Wobbrock, Cornell University) In the final piece of this series, we detail...

Challenges of Low Boron Removal Requirements in Large-scale Seawater Desalination Plants...

In part 1 of this series, we began a discussion of a seawater desalination process that takes the boron removal issue to the edge,...

How to Control Activated Sludge with Online Sensors: Part 2...

In part 1 of this series, we introduced a broad view of the use of online instrumentation for control of wastewater treatment aeration, which,...

Challenges of Low Boron Removal Requirements in Large-scale Seawater Desalination Plants...

With the increasing demand for electronic grade silicon, and particularly the growth of silicon solar cells, the semiconductor industry is facing the challenge of...

How to Control Activated Sludge with Online Sensors: Part 1 of...

The goal for domestic wastewater treatment in the twenty-first century should be to have a minimal carbon footprint and to be 100 percent self-sustainable...