Cruise Liner Finds the Right Seal for Booster Pumps

ECAs (Emission-Controlled Areas) were established a few years ago in the North Sea and Baltic shipping areas, the English Channel and the U.S. and...

Smart Metering Stops Leaks

In 2007, White House Utility District (WHUD), a water utility serving approximately 90,000 consumers and businesses in Tennessee, faced a dilemma: how to meet...

Large Utility Turns to Artificial Intelligence at Major Pump Station

Genesee County, Michigan, is considered to be part of the greater Mid-Michigan Area. The population as of the 2010 census was about 425,000, making...

The Digital Transformation Begins

A sweeping digital transformation of the electricity landscape has begun. Organizations that move with urgency to drive a digital strategy throughout their businesses will...

RAD-AX® Technology Chips Away at Food Industry Challenge

Potato chips—they’re almost as American as apple pie. They are ubiquitous in our lives, commonly showing up at lunch time and featured prominently at...

Flexible Chlorine Injection Pacing Using Cloud-Based SCADA

The City of White Deer, Texas, is located in North Texas and serves approximately 500 water taps. The water distribution operation includes a flow-pacing...

Optimizing a Superior Sludge System Solution

Given today’s demanding wastewater treatment regulatory landscape, proper handling of sludge is a very important component of the design and operation of any size...

Smart Metering Comes to the Lone Star State

Energy and sustainability expert Schneider Electric partners with the City of Raymondville, Texas, to implement a city-wide water meter upgrade to improve city services,...

Rapid Response Halts Sewage Overflow Catastrophe

What began as an otherwise nondescript Thursday afternoon in mid-February of this year in a municipality near Washington D.C. ended with an unexpected catastrophe...

Clogs Get a “Get Out of Jail Free” Card

Although by no means overwhelming, clogging problems in a county prison wastewater treatment system had simply become a nuisance, and it was time to...