Monster Metal® Grinders


JWC Environmental relaunches its Monster Metal® grinders featuring a trade secret alloy and industry-leading five-year warranty.

Wastewater is tough on grinder cutters. Damaging abrasion wear and metal corrosion are caused by daily gritty material and acidic conditions in sewage. The combination of an abrasive and corrosive environment accelerates the loss of cutter material, resulting in the loss of cutter thickness and tooth edges.

Traditionally, there is a trade-off between choosing a material for abrasive environments and corrosive environments. Hard alloy steel has been the traditional choice of material for abrasive environments. Unfortunately, alloy steel is not a corrosion-resistant metal. The corrosion-resistant metal choice has been stainless steel but unfortunately, it has low abrasion resistance. Cutter material is typically selected based on the environment to which it will be exposed to optimize its performance and maximize cutter life. Regrettably, choosing a material suitable for one environment but not the other often leads to dissatisfaction with the cutter life.

Monster Metal is JWC’s solution to this problem. Monster Metal grinders feature cutters that last twice as long as typical industry cutters and work in both abrasive and corrosive environments commonly found in wastewater treatment plants. JWC conducted intensive in-house and field testing to validate that the proprietary material and design outperformed other cutters in wear resistance and corrosion.

“We’re excited to bring back Monster Metal to the wastewater treatment market. Previously, operators had to choose between corrosion resistance or abrasion resistance. With Monster Metal, they no longer have to compromise,” says Greg Queen, president of JWC Environmental. “And they can rely on a five-year warranty to increase the longevity of their grinder cutters.”

Monster Metal is available on select Muffin Monster®, Channel Monster®, and Channel Monster® FLEX units. A five-year warranty covering the cartridge and wear components is included on Muffin Monster units while a three-year warranty is available for Channel Monster and Channel Monster FLEX units.

For more information, visit

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