Challenges of Low Boron Removal Requirements in Large-scale Seawater Desalination Plants...
With the increasing demand for electronic grade silicon, and particularly the growth of silicon solar cells, the semiconductor industry is facing the challenge of...
How to Control Activated Sludge with Online Sensors: Part 1 of...
The goal for domestic wastewater treatment in the twenty-first century should be to have a minimal carbon footprint and to be 100 percent self-sustainable...
Odor and Corrosion Control in Wastewater Collection Systems: Part 5 of...
Aside from H2S vapor levels, the total and dissolved sulfides and DO levels (liquid phase) should be examined. For this discussion, only the grab...
Chopper Pump or Dual-Shafted Grinder?
Flushable wipes continue to inundate pump stations throughout North America, clogging both pumps and pipes and often requiring operators to remove the offending debris...
Odor and Corrosion Control in Wastewater Collection Systems: Part 4 of...
In order to effectively rate the successful treatment of the force main, a background against which to make a comparison must be provided. In...
Odor and Corrosion Control in Wastewater Collection Systems: Part 3 of...
Ozone can be generated by exciting a flow of oxygen with sufficient electrical or optical energy. This will cause a certain amount of oxygen...
Odor and Corrosion Control in Wastewater Collection Systems: Part 2 of...
In part 1 of this series, we discussed the corrosion issues associated with hydrogen sulfide in wastewater collection systems. The main classes of reactions...
Odor and Corrosion Control in Wastewater Collection Systems: Part 1 of...
Sewage collection systems have long been subject to issues with odor and corrosion, which is understandable given the nature of what they convey. Sewage...
Perspectives at the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus
Afield of experts gathered to discuss climate change in the context of water and energy innovation and issues at Northwestern University's 2016 Climate Change...
Optimizing Polymer Performance in Municipal Water Treatment
Historians have determined that one of the first recorded examples of water treatment occurred more than 4,000 years ago when the ancient Egyptians used...