Case Studies

Smooth Operator

A new jet-mixing pump system has significantly reduced capital, installation, maintenance and energy costs at Moove, the leading global lubricants manufacturer and distributor, in the...

Pathway to Zero-Emissions Through Onboard Hydrogen Production

COLLABORATOR PROFILE: OCEANIA MARINE ENERGY Oceania Marine Energy is a Perth-based company formed to develop and operate an LNG and marine fuels bunkering business at...

Power in the Pump

The Gainesville, Georgia Department of Water Resources has been systematically upgrading the performance of its seventy lift stations to state-of-the-art custom-engineered, manufactured and assembled...

The Right Valve Makes all the Difference

It’s not unusual for water utilities to expand infrastructure to address predictable population growth, but there are more factors today that are causing unexpected...

Colorado Community Digs Deep for New Lift Station

Construction delays are never good news for a community’s residents. The problems only intensify if those delays are related to wastewater lift stations, as...

Fight Scale and Downtime, Too

Around the world and in a variety of industries, applications dealing with water processing and handling have been seeking an environmentally friendly device for...