America is experiencing a critical shortage of skilled technicians due to insufficient training and educational misalignment with industry needs. Dr. Parminder Jassal, CEO of Unmudl, a marketplace for developing skills through hands-on training, recently released a report on technician jobs revealing alarming metrics, including a forecasted shortage of millions of manufacturing jobs in the next six years despite the need for these jobs rising. Below, Dr. Jassal shares her findings as well as how employers can close this gap.

MPT: What does the technician job market look like currently?

Dr. Parminder Jassal: The demand for technicians is surging across the United States and is being fueled by a tech-driven economy that increasingly relies on automation and digital infrastructure. As sectors from manufacturing to healthcare integrate more advanced technologies, the need for skilled technicians to operate, maintain, and repair advanced systems is at an all-time high. The supply of such skilled professionals is not keeping pace with demand, however, leading to significant gaps in the labor market. While the overall labor market shows robust growth, deeper analysis reveals significant challenges in specific sectors. This is particularly evident in manufacturing and semiconductors, where the gaps between available skilled workers and job vacancies are becoming increasingly stark.

MPT: How big of a gap are we talking?

Dr. Parminder Jassal: In the manufacturing sector, a critical shortage of technicians is emerging, with figures estimating anywhere from 2.1 to 3.8 million manufacturing jobs expected to remain unfilled during the next decade. Among those expected to grow at the quickest pace are roles like industrial maintenance technicians, statisticians, data scientists, engineers, and logisticians.

This gap stems mainly from a scarcity of workers with the advanced technical skills required for increasingly sophisticated manufacturing processes. As the industry integrates more automation and digital technologies, this shortage could curb the growth of individual companies and the global competitiveness of the entire U.S. manufacturing sector.

MPT: How did we end up here?

Dr. Parminder Jassal: The complex terrain of today’s labor market conceals a series of obstacles that hinder the acquisition of technician talent. They range from educational deficiencies to insufficient specialized training, along with cultural misconceptions about technical careers. Each of these elements plays a significant role in the ongoing struggle to fill technical positions with competent personnel. 

MPT: What tools can employers use to close the gap?

Dr. Parminder Jassal: Several strategies have proven effective in tackling the challenges of acquiring skilled technician talent. They include workforce development programs, upskilling efforts, and collaborations with educational institutions—each strategy offering unique solutions to cultivate a robust labor pool.

The long-term outlook for technicians is largely positive, with increased technological roles likely enhancing the prominence and necessity of these positions. Companies will need to invest in ongoing education and training to keep their technician workforce adept at handling the latest technologies.


To ready Dr. Jassal’s full jobs report on the technician gap in the domestic manufacturing sector, visit her company’s website at