In response to the continuing global COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions that have accompanied it, numerous industries have found themselves facing the challenge of providing their traditional services while also observing the need for precautionary guidelines to impede viral transmission. The exhibitions and conferences serving myriad aspects of the industrial pump sector are no different, and organizations have responded with their own approaches to the “new normal.”


Texas A&M’s TurboLab announced that it will postpone the 49th Turbomachinery and 36th Pump Symposia (TPS), originally slated for September of this year, with tentative plans for it to be held virtually in lieu of a face-to-face event. The event is traditionally held in Houston, Texas, which is currently experiencing an uptick in coronavirus cases. TPS may skip 2020 altogether to host a hybrid event in 2021.

The TurboLab’s international exhibit, the third biennial Asia Turbomachinery and Pump Symposium (ATPS) will be postponed to February 22 through 25, 2021, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). The technical sessions and exhibition will be held February 23 through 25 and short courses will be held on that Monday, the 22nd.


The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has announced that WEFTEC, its annual conference and exhibition, for 2020 will be a fully virtual event rebranded as WEFTEC Connect via the organization’s online learning platform WEFTEC Connect will offer attendees interactive education, an exhibitor showcase, and networking experiences and will take place October 5 through 9 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern.

With a mixture of real-time, interactive learning events, more than 400 on-demand technical sessions, networking, live product demos, solution sessions, exhibitor showcase, and more, WEFTEC Connect provides a dynamic, safe space for the world of water to learn and network.

WEFTEC also expects to announce a revised format and schedule for the Operations Challenge, the annual team competition presenting maintenance personnel with the chance to show off their hands-on skills.


Traditionally held in Miami, the Water Expo has built its reputation on bridging the gap between domestic and Latin American and Caribbean water utilities and industries. However, with pandemic travel restrictions expected to continue into the fall, the ninth edition of the Water Expo will be a hybrid event combining both physical and virtual exhibits and meetings. Now postponed to October 28 and 29, the physical show will take place amid new health and safety guidelines established by the venue and local authorities.

A new virtual pavilion will be added for international and domestic exhibitors willing to participate without having to travel. For both scenarios, the Water Expo will feature what it has dubbed the Matchmaking Business Showroom, empowering exhibitors and attendees to do business in real time both at the event and around the world. 


With meeting times and exhibit hours now becoming a premium, MPT has stepped up to provide the inaugural MPT Virtual Expo next month, Tuesday, September 15, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern. The MPT Virtual Expo will feature Online Showrooms including manufacturers, suppliers, and maintenance and reliability specialists from every corner of the industrial pump market.

Exhibitors in the MPT Virtual Expo will be displaying their latest innovations with downloadable and interactive product guides as well as maximizing their networking avenues with live chat and video conferencing options. Attendees of the MPT Virtual Expo can also sign up for Online Technical Sessions offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to keep our industry’s professionals up to date, even in the midst of these challenging times.

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