At the most recent WEFTEC trade exposition, YSI, a Xylem brand, showcased their IQ SensorNet continuous monitoring and control system, which featured in tandem with their Orthophosphate Analyzer as well as a new line of UV-Vis UV Sensors to address water quality in the wastewater market.
The IQ SensorNet is a modular water quality system for a complete sensor network ideal for an assortment of installation needs. The system enables a wastewater treatment plant to monitor every aspect of their process—from pre-sedimentation to the biological tanks to the effluent. A single module can link up to twenty sensors measuring different parameters, from DO and pH to ammonium, turbidity, and temperature.
Also featured at WEFTEC this year was the P 700 Orthophosphate Analyzer, which can be used as a stand-alone analyzer or in conjunction with other sensors in an IQ SensorNet continuous monitoring system. The P 700 measures the amount of orthophosphate (also known as soluble reactive phosphorus and commonly referred to as phosphate) throughout the wastewater treatment process, and the continuous data it provides can help verify phosphate elimination and improve operational efficiency.
YSI IQSN Orthophosphate
Since phosphorus is the nutrient in short supply in most fresh waters, even a modest increase in phosphorus can, under the right conditions set off a chain of undesirable events in a stream, including accelerated plant growth or algae blooms, and the death of certain fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic animals. The P 700 has proven to be an important tool for municipalities aiming to limit the discharge of phosphorus to meet permit requirements and improve operations and costs by cutting treatment chemical volume.
The P 700 can run itself continuously for up to eight months without needing a user calibration or a reagent change. And when networked with other sensors in an IQ SensorNet system, data from the P 700 displays in the network just like any other sensor.
“The IQ SensorNet has been a valuable tool for wastewater facilities across the US,” says Tim Grooms, director of marketing for YSI, “And when you link it up with the Orthophosphate Analyzer, you can really get a complete picture of the water quality process.”
Also, a new line of UV-Vis UV Spectrophotometer Probes from YSI, measuring numerous parameters as part of the IQ SensorNet system, were debuted at WEFTEC. The new sensors are rugged and have built-in ultrasonic cleaning for lower maintenance requirements over the life of the sensor. The new spectral sensors can measure a broad spectrum (256 wavelengths for each measurement) for increased accuracy, and can measure COD, BOD, TOC, Nitrate/Nitrite, and TSS. Single wavelength sensors are also available for UVT-254 and NOx, and there are new variations of FDO and ViSolid sensors for Class 1, Div 2 rated zones (explosion proof).
To address the needs of the wastewater and laboratory markets, YSI also highlighted their TruLab instruments, a complete line of lab instruments ideal for routine and precise measurements of pH, mV, ISE, and temperature for water quality data. Compatible with the TruLab products—or for use with any instrument with a BNC connector—YSI will also launch the TruLine ion-selective electrodes (ISEs), a brand new line of ISE electrodes for the laboratory setting.
According to Grooms, “We think our TruLab line, with its flexibility, stable measurements, and 15 new sensor options, is going to be another valuable tool for laboratories that need quality measurements of numerous parameter concentrations. And now with the TruLine ISEs, for customers measuring ion concentrations in the wastewater industry, our lab products portfolio is really stronger than ever.”
While the TruLab 1110 is ideal for routine pH/mV lab measurements where a robust workhorse meter is required, the TruLab 1310 and 1310P (with printer) provides precise lab measurements and automatic Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) documentation, plus a USB interface for data transfer and backup. All TruLab instruments offer auto-buffer recognition plus recalibration prompts. The TruLab 1320 and 1320P (with printer) are two-channel instruments with simultaneous measurement of pH, ISE orORP. The 1320 series logs calibration information for GLP compliance and has a USB interface for data transfer and backup.
In addition, YSI is also introducing the new TruLine ISE electrodes for its TruLab product line.
YSI ISE Electrodes
The wide variety of TruLine sensors—offering fifteen electrodes for sixteen different parameters—are compact in design, available as glass or plastic probe bodies, can be ordered with or without temperature and with a refillable option.
The new TruLine electrodes are proven, highly versatile laboratory electrodes for the most demanding measurements. The glass electrodes include the temperature sensor and can be ordered with a platinum or ground junction. Each pH electrode comes with individual serial number and quality certificate.
Together, the TruLab and the extended line of TruLine ISE electrodes provide laboratories across multiple industries the ability to conduct easy, fast, and highly repeatable measurements. ■
About the Author
Xylem’s analytics businesses are leading manufacturers of premium field, portable, laboratory and online analytical instruments used in water and wastewater, environmental, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and life science applications. The company’s meters, sensors, analyzers and related consumables are used daily by thousands of end users worldwide. To learn more about YSI visit To also learn more about the complete range of analytics products from Xylem, visit
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