On-site motor inspection is a useful and necessary maintenance tool for several industries, but it does present cost hurdles for many facilities. Nidec Motor Corporation is attempting to knock those hurdles down by launching a virtual test service that will allow customers to remotely witness and monitor motor testing at its manufacturing facility in Mena, Arkansas. On a recent episode of MPT’s podcast, Nidec’s Dave Lyle joined us to fill in the details.
MPT: What are some of the needs that Nidec’s virtual test services look to fill? And whom do you see is the potential target customer for this service?
Dave Lyle: Basically, the whole purpose of the virtual testing is to really ensure test compliance to anybody that’s involved with specific motors that are being manufactured by Nidec. And really, by actually seeing live testing of a motor that they would purchase, it definitely provides our customers and their end users, in many cases, the ability to validate the motor performance characteristics and specifications prior to shipping the product to the customer. And it also eliminates the time and costs associated with traveling. Nidec does offer an on-site witness test, but the virtual testing is really, in our opinion, a lot more convenient way for our customers and end users to actually witness and view a test being performed at our manufacturing facility.
MPT: Can virtual test services be customized to meet specific needs that might vary from one customer to the next?
Dave Lyle: Those who know Nidec know that we produce a lot of different products for a lot of markets and applications. And again, each of those segments in the industry have their own distinct specifications. The customers and end users can easily validate the products that we offer through this virtual test offering that we have now. And our customers then can select the actual tests they need specific to their application, along with the end users’ needs in their application, and really customize tests that might be needed in order to qualify the product prior to shipment.
MPT: How much back and forth between the customer and the engineering team would be possible?
Dave Lyle: During the test, whichever the case may be, whether it’s a performance test, a heat run, vibration or sound test, the customers will be able to talk directly to the specialist who’s performing the test, and they can answer the majority of the questions that the customer or end user may have throughout the test sequences that we perform. For more technical questions that are obviously going to be asked throughout these testings, we’ll have various times throughout the test sequence or throughout the day, depending on how long these tests will run.
We offer time scheduled for our engineering teams to get online and answer those more technical questions that maybe the test specialists can’t answer at that time. Our engineering team will be fully engaged at various times throughout these tests to answer those questions. Along with that, of course, we can always perform follow up meetings, either that same day or even after the tests are conducted. We’re a very service-oriented company, and we want to make sure our customers and users are completely satisfied with the product. So we’re 100 percent available for any additional technical questions or technical support needed once the motor ships.
To listen to an extended version of this interview, be sure to subscribe to MPT’s podcast, The Efficiency Point.
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