Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management, recently announced the completion of a facility improvement project as part of an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with the city of Kirksville, Missouri. With more than $4.7 million in renovations, the project is expected to provide the city more than $340,000 in annual savings, allowing the project to pay for itself within a fifteen-year period. The technological upgrades to the city facilities will dramatically improve energy efficiency, while improvements to the metering infrastructure will provide essential upgrades to billing and utility services of city government.
A 4-inch (101.6 millimeter) Badger meter. Seventeen 4-inch meters were changed out to provide more accurate reading and billing to the surrounding counties they serve (source: Pedal Valve).
The most significant project component is the replacement of the city’s aging water metering system. Schneider Electric worked with the city and its utility building staff to transition more than 7000 new residential and commercial meters. The city of Kirksville historically had problems with water loss within the system; the new meters will allow the city to limit rate increases and make the billing process more accurate, which will directly benefit city residents. To help ensure long-term accuracy, Schneider Electric is also providing ongoing support via a Revenue Protection Plan, in which monthly billing data is being monitored to identify and report on alarming trends, and help prioritize the city’s water meter and water distribution maintenance.
Additionally, Schneider Electric replaced the HVAC system in Kirksville City Hall. This aging system was the biggest energy and maintenance drain for the city, but prior to the ESPC with Schneider Electric, the city lacked the budgetary means to retrofit the outdated and failing equipment. The installation of the new HVAC system, which includes compressors, variable volume and temperature (VVT) boxes and ducts, will solve the comfort, maintenance and efficiency issues associated with the old system.
The 6-inch (152.4 millimeter) meter installed at a food manufacturing plant. This compound meter features two radio transmitters (source: Pedal Valve).
Other project elements include comprehensive renovations to the lighting systems across the city’s facilities, as well as retrofitted building automation systems. In total, the more than $4.7 million in improvements will deliver annual savings in excess of $340,000. Schneider Electric worked with U.S. Bancorp to provide a local financing source for a rate below two percent over ten years.
“Partnering with Schneider Electric on this project has allowed the city to directly address its most pressing energy efficiency problems, alleviating financial pressures on the city and its residents by ensuring accurate readings and elimination of lost revenues,” says Mari Macomber, city manager for Kirksville. “We are now positioned to continue to meet a city-wide goal of efficiency in our city facilities and services.”
“In addition to the physical improvements we’ve provided for Kirksville’s facilities, we are proud of the economic impact the ESPC will have on the city and its residents,” says Jordan Lerner, regional director, Schneider Electric. “We were glad to have the opportunity to help the city with these important HVAC and water metering retrofits, which will benefit the city of Kirksville for years to come.”
Orion CE transmitters installed by Schneider Electric. The transmitters enable city personnel to drive by meters with a laptop and the signal collects the meter readings (source: Pedal Valve).
In the past twenty years, Schneider Electric has successfully implemented over 530 energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) across the nation and helped clients around the world save close to one billion dollars. ESPCs help publicly funded entities make capital improvements over longer payback periods. Funded by third-party financing, ESPCs offer many long-term benefits such as improved facility efficiency, occupant comfort, financial management and environmental protection. Typically, new, more efficient equipment and upgraded facility automation systems maximize energy efficiency and generate utility savings. ■
A number of 5/8-inch (15.86 millimeter) Badger residential meters with Orion CE transmitters were installed across the city. Schneider Electric, in partnership with city personnel, were able to change out 7230 meters in six months (source: Pedal Valve).
Schneider Electric can find hidden revenue in nearly any operating budget. It lies within the energy spend. By implementing more efficient lighting, energy management systems, HVAC systems, water fixtures, boilers, chillers, cooling towers, and more. Schneider Electric helps customers manage risk and capture every opportunity to generate more funds for capital improvements. For more information, visit
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