Operators at remote liquefied natural gas (LNG) production sites who rely on portable or skid mount vaporizer production equipment will find General Monitors provides comprehensive gas and flame monitoring to prevent accidental explosions and fires.
Gas wells are typically drilled at remote sites. Often times it is a result of either the location of the gas, proximity to the public or a combination of both situations. Regardless, power is rarely available and prohibitively expensive to obtain. Drillers have found a way around this obstacle by employing portable vaporizers and temporary liquefied natural gas (LNG) sources.
LNG trucks are sent to potential drill sites along with portable vaporizers. After the connection is made, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is available to run a large power generator that is capable of providing power to the entire drill site. Once the site is producing gas and is self-sustainable, the LNG truck and vaporizer are moved to the next site.
Safety monitoring devices are always employed when liquefied natural gas is being produced, used or stored due to its inherently explosive nature. LNG is stored at -260 degrees Fahrenheit (-126 degrees Celsius) and as it is slowly warmed and vaporized it rapidly expands to 600 times its liquid volume. These harsh conditions are stressful on piping and valves which can result in potential leaks of combustible gas that endangers people, equipment and facilities.
General Monitors’ mission is to benefit society by providing solutions through industry leading safety products, services, and systems that save lives and protect capital resources from the dangers of hazardous flames, gases, and vapors.
General Monitors’ S4000CH Combustible Gas Detector provides thorough, continuous monitoring of combustible gases via its robust catalytic bead technology. The unit features one person calibration and can virtually self-calibrate by simply activating a magnetic switch and applying gas. It is designed to monitor natural gas and vapors within the lower explosive limit (LEL) and provide status indication and alarm outputs. It complies with ANSI/ISA 12.13.01-2000 performance requirements for combustible gas detectors. The S4000CH is an intelligent sensor for the detection of combustible gases and vapors. The microprocessor-based electronics process information at the sensor site within an explosion-proof housing. A digital display provides indications and display codes that can be viewed through a window in the cover. A red LED above the digital display signifies an ALARM condition, while a red LED below the digital display signifies a WARN condition. Analog signal (4-20 mA) and relays provide remote and/or discrete indications of the sensor’s operation. Optional dual redundant Modbus, HART or HART and single Modbus provide digital communication.
The IR400 Point IR Gas Detector uses infrared technology to sense for combustible gases and vapors to quickly and reliably detect liquefied natural gas leaks. The detector comes factory pre-calibrated, has a three-second response time, takes only minutes to set-up, operates with less than 4.8 watts of power, and is inexpensive to operate and maintain. The IR400 continuously monitors combustible gases in the lower explosive limit (LEL) range and provides a 4 to 20 mA analog signal proportional to the 0 to 100 percent LEL concentration. Gas calibration is available to LEL values defined by ISO 10156/NFPA 325 and IEC 60079-20. A Modbus communications interface is also provided for informational / programming purposes. Sensor data and status information from the IR400 can be transmitted to a variety of General Monitors’ readout units.
Fire is usually manifested in heat (IR), smoke, light (visible), and flame (UV). Flame is the gaseous region of a fire where vigorous combustion chain reactions take place. These reactions emit radiation covering the infrared, ultraviolet and the visible spectral regions. The FL3100H UV/IR Flame Detector monitors for both ultraviolet and infrared (UV and IR) spectral ranges and is highly immune to false alarms caused by radiation sources. Continuous optical path monitoring (COPM) checks both optical path integrity and electronic circuitry once per minute; a wide field of view enables greater fire detection coverage. The flame detector’s electronics are integral within its explosion-proof housing, allowing detector information to be processed at the point of detection.
To protect natural gas production sites, General Monitors offers a complete line of fixed hydrocarbon gas and flame detectors. The company’s advanced catalytic bead, infrared point, and ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) technologies provide highly reliable hydrocarbon hazard monitoring in rugged environments. Whether the requirement is single-point gas and flame detection or a large multi-point integrated safety monitoring system, General Monitors provides the solution with a single-point of responsibility for total project management. ■
About The Author
Angela Sauceda is the marketing communication manager for General Monitors and can be reached at 949.581.4464 or etech@generalmonitors.com. Founded in 1961, General Monitors is a global leader in process monitoring and safety in combustible, toxic and flammable environments. For more information, visit www.generalmonitors.com/oilandgas.
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