An industry inflection point

As many companies wrestle to extract full value from their digital transformation efforts, the limitations of today’s automation architecture are being realized. Technology stacks...

Industrial Enterprise Monitoring Makes the Connection

Today’s industrial operations face numerous enterprise-level reliability, performance, and sustainability challenges, which are difficult to systematically identify, prioritize, and correct to maximize operational potential....

Expert Motor Cooling Solutions Meet Dewatering Needs

Top pump manufacturers specialize in motor cooling technologies that enhance performance and durability. These systems are intended to perform in various applications, such as...

Maximizing power plant flexibility: Part 3 of 3

Miss part 2? Read it here. Over the first two parts of this series, we have illustrated how combined cycle power producer, or CCPP, operating...

Maximizing Power Plant Flexibility: Part 2 of 3

Miss part 1? Read it here. As we explained in the first part of this series, combined cycle power plants (CCPPs) are becoming a larger...

Maximizing Power Plant Flexibility: Part 1 of 3

As renewables grow in the energy mix used by North American power producers, keeping generating assets best utilized requires operating them with a flexibility...

Journey through Continuous Improvement

Bradleys, a service center that specializes in electric motor repair and testing, is about to mark its 95th anniversary as a family-owned and operated...

Pumping life back into Florida lake

When Florida’s Lake County Water Authority (LCWA)—in cooperation with the St. Johns Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection—made a plan...

Coming Through in the Clutch

Across a number of markets, for commercial, municipal, or industrial uses, incline and standard conveyors need to perform under demanding conditions with reliability and...

New Submerged HPUs Increase Reliability of all Hydraulic Powered Machinery

For a variety of heavy machinery, Hydraulic Power Units (HPUs) provide the “muscle” behind critical operating machinery used to lift or control articulating arms...