Fire Codes: A Foundation of Safety for a Rapidly Changing World
The world’s tallest skyscrapers that are transforming city skylines from Shanghai to Dubai are impressive for their architecture and engineering, but perhaps their most...
The High Cost of Exposing Workers to Chemicals at Point of...
Every day industrial workers transfer potentially hazardous chemicals, such as solvents, acetones, lubricants, cleansers, and acids, from large drums into smaller containers, or into...
Precise Dimensioning of Pump Piping Systems: Part 2 of 2
Synchronization of several pumps is an effective way to reduce pressure pulsations and vibrations in the pipelines. In part 1 of this series, we...
Precise Dimensioning of Pump Piping Systems
Atechnical animation that visualizes the synchronization of three Triplex process diaphragm pumps in different operating states was one of the highlights at Lewa's booth...
Evaluating Total Cost of Ownership Models: Part 2 of 2
Last month, we introduced the first part of the following report summarizing the findings of a recent study conducted by the Wired Group, which...
Major Systems Upgrades for Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District
Improving the quality of wastewater and flood control services is crucial to people everywhere—but it is especially concerning for the people of California, who...
Evaluating Total Cost of Ownership Models: Part 1 of 2
Electric utilities are undergoing a transformation not seen since the Tennessee Valley Authority brought electricity to rural America. The complex challenges facing electric distribution...
Automatic Lubrication Systems Stand Up to Corrosive, Caustic Environments: Part 2...
In this conclusion, we detail three of the most common lubrication systems pump users rely upon: the Single-Line Parallel, which is also referred to...
Automatic Lubrication Systems Stand Up to Corrosive, Caustic Environments: Part 1...
Corrosive plant environments are among the most serious threats to the pulp and paper industry, contributing to extensive production downtime and exorbitant maintenance costs....
Progressing Cavity Pumps Lower Maintenance Costs and Reduce Downtime for Municipal...
Like many municipal wastewater treatment facilities across the country, a wastewater authority in Illinois was looking for a better way to dispose of the...