The eleventh Leonardo da Vinci Award was assigned to Pedrollo Group at a ceremony in historic Venice. Luigi Brugnaro, mayor of Venice, presented the award to Giulio Pedrollo, the Pedrollo Group’s managing director.

“This day has a particularly deep meaning for me and my family: the Leonardo da Vinci Award is, in fact, the first international recognition assigned to Pedrollo. Although in the past the single companies belonging to the Group have received numerous awards, today, thanks also to the affirmation of our strategy of internal growth and external add-ons we are living an important page in our history which gratifies the willfulness of family-run companies in the desire to transmit their heritage and their values to future generations,” affirms Giulio Pedrollo.

In fact, the prestigious Leonardo da Vinci Award aims at enhancing the exceptional ability of family enterprises to transmit their heritage and their values to future generations.

“The sharing of these principles translates into a generational pact beyond simple economic sustainability. Family-run companies represent the core of the Italian economy,” adds Pedrollo.