WHEN: June 11-14, 2023
WHERE: Enercare Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
WEBSITE: www.awwa.org/ace
With over 10,000 attendees, eighty countries represented, six competitions, 440 premier presenters, 450 exhibitors, and four days of professional tracks, sessions, and continuing education opportunities, the American Water Works Association’s Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE) is where the water community comes together to learn, connect, and be inspired to solve global water challenges.
There is a priceless value in connecting with your peers in person. A palpable energy comes from the exciting innovation in the exhibit hall, and sessions pulsate with conversations that are a catalyst for change. Regardless of where you are in your career, there is something for everyone at ACE.
Planning for the future is a heroes’ journey. Being part of the water revolution means addressing critical issues about the world’s most important resource. With that in mind, “Water 2050” is an initiative to collaborate and champion a course for a successful and sustainable water community. AWWA brings vast resources for the water community.
Water 2050 is an AWWA initiative to collaborate and champion a course for a successful and sustainable water sector. AWWA’s Water 2050 initiative seeks to establish a long-term vision of the future of water. This collaborative exploration will chart a course for a successful and sustainable water sector. The conference will engage in a thoughtful, intentional, and inclusive discourse that results in bold, achievable goals.
Ultimately, Water 2050’s influence will extend beyond the water community, fostering partnerships and cross-sector collaboration for mutual and global benefit. AWWA has identified five critical drivers that will influence progress toward a sustainable and resilient water future: sustainability, technology, economics, governance, and social/demographic. ACE23 serves as a launchpad for this important initiative, and if you’re a water professional you’ll want to be there.
Each year, ACE provides attendees the chance to see how the water industry works up close with guided facility tours of the host city. ACE23 provides an inside look at some of the Toronto area’s best water facilities.
The F.J. Horgan Water Treatment Plant is a direct filtration plant that has been producing excellent quality drinking water since 1980. The plant underwent an expansion between 2009 and 2013 that included the addition of ozone for disinfection and taste and odor control to treat the full plant capacity as the first treatment step, modifications to coagulation and flocculation systems, addition of five new deep bed biological filters and extensive modification to the high lift pumping station to incorporate additional functionalities and isolation capabilities.
John Street Pumping Station (JSPS) is Toronto’s largest and houses nine pumps with a combined installed capacity of 262 million gallons per day. It serves as a key element to move treated water northward to the higher pressure zones. JSPS also houses a deep lake water cooling plant.
The R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant produces roughly 33 percent of the city of Toronto’s drinking water. Dubbed “The Palace of Purification,” this facility is a conventional filtration plant which was initially rated at a capacity of 100 million gallons per day. It is Toronto’s largest water treatment facility. The site was declared a National Historic Civil Engineering Site and recognized as a Canadian Water Landmark by the American Water Works Association.

Shepherding the world’s most valuable resource into the future demands incorporating ideas from the public sector. ACE offers a targeted program for new and returning public official attendees to help them make informed decisions around utility operations and finances. The courses are designed to help mayors, water and wastewater board commissioners, and council members better understand key water issues and take smart steps to address them. Courses may be taken individually or together, depending on what topics are most relevant to attendees.
The ACE23 Innovation Hub will tie in global trends and address regional challenges that demand creative approaches. The Innovation Hub is where conversations are taken a step further, whether it’s step changes of innovation to the core business or industry to transformative innovation.
Solving the complex challenges facing the water community in 2050 will take innovation and collaboration. The Innovation Hub is a curated space designed to celebrate and embrace change, highlight emerging technologies and trends, and engage in meaningful conversations to advance a sustainable and resilient water future.
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