Consumers place the most trust in water utilities and scientists to provide them with information about their tap water compared to other entities, according to a survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). The May 2024 poll, called “Public Perceptions of Tap Water,” included responses from 2,010 adults served by water utilities in the United States.

Seventy percent of respondents said they trust their water utilities “a lot” or “some” for information about their water, with scientists close behind at 68 percent. Local governments (59 percent), state governments (57 percent), and environmental groups (57 percent) rounded out the top five most trusted groups.

Water affordability continues to be a big concern among the annual survey’s respondents. More than one in three report that they struggle to pay water bills on time. Of those who report struggling to pay their water bills, 83 percent would support a federal assistance program. Nearly 77 percent of respondents overall would support such a program.

“High quality drinking water is critical for all communities,” says David LaFrance, AWWA CEO.