Cheryl Porter, chief operating officer of water and field services at Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), made history at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE24) by becoming the organization’s first African American president. She is also the first woman of color to hold this position at AWWA.

Porter brings twenty-eight years of experience in the water sector to her new role, beginning as a junior chemist at the city of Detroit in 1996 and advancing through several leadership roles, including chief customer service officer and chief operating officer. She was part of the leadership team that helped establish the GLWA in 2016, where she currently serves as COO.

“I am proud to stand before you as the first African American, and the first woman of color, to serve as president of the greatest association of water professionals in the world,” Porter said during the gavel passing ceremony in June.

Porter’s presidency begins as AWWA adopts its 2030 Strategic Plan, which emphasizes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to empower unique communities. AWWA is also advancing a Water 2050 initiative to chart a course for success and sustainability.